At you can do a straight swap, earn money or donate proceeds to your school or PTA.
We pride ourselves on providing benefits to all:
- Our sellers can make money back on the uniform their children have grown out of, or they can swap with other sellers.
- Our buyers save money each time they buy uniform items.
- Our schools can earn money where those sellers who don't need it can choose to share some of their sales with the school.
- Our planet is spared a little resource usage, fewer fabrics are produced, less water is used, less material is transported, so less energy is consumed and less Carbon Dioxide is produced. This means thats as a community, we will send a little less clothing to landfill, and manufacture just a little less.
Some commonly asked questions
Who are you?
Some parents who hate to see uniform going to waste
What are the benefits of using
We aim to help promote the re-use of textiles in a school contect. This means that fewer items of
school uniform need to be produced, reducing the amount of water used, material shipped, and energy
consumed. It's better for your wallet, better for the planet. What's not to love?
Do you make money from this?
We aim to make a little, as running a modern website is never free of charge, but this is more of a passion for us.
How did you choose the name?
This is where you see your swaps. Also it's a bit of a pun on being a "sea of swaps"